
Top 20 Funny Humor Quotes and Sayings
I never make the same mistake twice. I make it like five or six times, you know, just to be sure
Why Beer is better than a Woman
Look to your left gives I said Left Idiot
Get it Done
There are only five things we need in life, Good friends, Good Job, Good Food, Good Sleep and Good ..... Whatever you are thinking is right
Did you know that you can't breathe fast and stick your Tongue out at the same time? Good Boy ! Now, Sit and Roll!
My bed is a magical place where I suddenly remember everything I was supposed to do
I'm great in bed, I can sleep for days
When I was Born I was so surprised I didn't talk for a Year and a Half
I'm not crazy, My Reality is just different than yours
I meant to behave, but there were too many other options
OMG , I'm so ugly! yes that's why you have 197 photos in an album called Me
The world can be amazing when you're slightly strange
Warning!! This is a Virus. When you turn your phone off it won't work again
If you fall I'll be there
Always be yourself! Unless you can be Batman then always be Batman
My Belt holds my pants up....
Trust me you can Dance, Wine
I'm not Clumsy, It's just the floor hates me, The tables and Chairs are bullies and the wall gets in the Way


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